Our Products

Our Products

Health & Wellness products inspired by Ayurveda

The Coco Veda Philosophy

Inspired by Ayurveda, we created a line of Health and Wellness products handcrafted with our Signature Premium Cold-Processed Virgin Coconut Oil as a key ingredient. Undergirding our process of product development has always been the desire to deliver the maximum value from these natural ingredients in a sustainable manner while meeting as many needs as we can.

This took a lot of initial hard work over the years, but we very soon became one of the only producers in the coconut industry with more than 100 Handcrafted Coconut and Plant-based Health & Wellness products.

What is

A lot of us have heard of yoga and meditation, but not many are familiar with Ayurveda. Similar to the path of yoga that seeks to unite body, mind and spirit, the ancient practice of Ayurveda believes that the healing and prevention of physical ailments can be achieved by harmonising the imbalances in the body, mind and spirit to achieve holistic healing.

Here at Coco Veda, we take inspiration from this very Philosophy in the way we handpick our ingredients, taking special care to develop products that can help our customers to achieve better skin, hair and overall health by restoring this precious balance.

We’re not here to create another product. We’re here to design solutions that meet real needs and empower everyone to live balanced, healthier and happier lives.

Signature Premium Cold-Processed Virgin Coconut Oil

We believe in the power of plant-based products for our health, wellness and beauty. That is why we are uncompromising in our production process, taking extra care to ensure that we do not mar the value that these natural ingredients have to offer.

Traditionally, extreme heat is used by companies to extract oils from the coconut. While doing so will ensure that a larger quantity of oil can be obtained from 1 coconut, many important nutrients are lost in the process and oxidation takes place, which might risk complications like cancers in the future.

At Coco Veda, we do not compromise quality for quantity – all of our products are “cold-pressed”, thereby retaining vital nutrients and the natural goodness of these coconuts.


Fully Handcrafted

All our products are made with ingredients that come directly from our farmers, handcrafted to the highest quality with the preserved skills of our craftsmen and packaged carefully by our all-women team.

By doing so, we can ensure that each item that makes its way to your countertops are of superior quality. And for our customers, it is the assurance that the products they’re purchasing have a real and positive impact on the people and communities who make them.


We do not fill our products with chemicals, commercial fillers or water, only pure botanical extracts and our plant-based oils.

Without water in our products, the likelihood of bacterial growth is reduced significantly, thereby eliminating the need for preservatives. That means you’re getting the purest, highest value from each drop of our product.

Without diluting our products, they also last longer on the shelf since a little goes a long way.


Carefully Curated

Bursting with the nutrients and goodness of our coconuts, each of our products has been lovingly created with our consumers in mind. We are keeping our ears close to the ground, constantly listening out for ways to improve our products and engineer new ones to meet unfulfilled needs.
