
Men’s Skincare Routine

by in Health and Wellness, Sustainability June 29, 2021

The 21st Century has rapid shifts, trends, technological advancements and lifestyle changes…

Historically, women were traditionally more responsible for paying more attention to their skincare routines. On the other hand, traditionally men were more concerned about wealth and possibly their dress code. However, in the 21st century, these traditional beliefs and views have evolved. 


Over the years, male grooming experts have shared that men have started paying more attention to themselves. So, you must be wondering, what is fueling this change? There are predominantly three reasons: 

  • Awareness amongst men on personal grooming has grown (Beauty Packaging, 2020)
  • Increased disposable income
  • Addressing common lifestyle concerns and experiences such as oily skin, enlarged pores and maintaining a beard (Friday Magazine, 2017). 


Common skincare concerns for Men 

Razor Burn 

1. Coco Veda recommends washing your face with lukewarm water before cleansing with our Chamomile and Rose Facial Wash to soften and moisturise the skin. 

2. Best practice is to exfoliate before shaving, rather than after. Exfoliating with our Bamboo Facial Scrub removes dirt and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, which keeps your skin clean, unclogs your pores which allows the razor to glide more smoothly over the skin.

3. If you have existing conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or acne be careful not to shave over the affected areas to avoid scars. 

4. Change your razors! 

5. Coco Veda’s Recommendations:

  • If you experience razor burns after shaving, it is recommended to splash cold water to soothe the skin. 
  • While the skin is still damp, moisturise with our Facial Creams to look more youthful and to naturally brighten your skin.

  • Finally, apply the Facial Masque Oil, which contains Virgin Coconut Oil and Turmeric which contain anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.


  1. Gently massage your under eye with 1 teaspoon of room temperature Virgin Coconut Oil. The Virgin Coconut Oil helps reduce the dark circles, swelling and puffiness! Tip of the Day: We recommend a one minute massage under each eye. You can even use a jade eye roller for better results.
  2. Soak your zero-waste cotton pad into rose water and place this under your eye for 15 minutes! 


Hectic Lifestyle and too many options!

1. Due to limited time on your hands, you compromise on your skincare routine. Perhaps, there are too many products available and you are unsure which one to choose from.  Here are a few of our recommendations: 

  • If you are choosing a product that will be on your face the whole day, focus on a cleaner alternative. 
  • Avoid ingredients that are harmful, these include: parabens, fragrances, silica etc.
  • Check the certifications associated with the brand. Some examples include: Cruelty-Free, USDA Organic, Vegan, ISO etc. 

2. If you are opting for more sustainable alternatives:

  • Confirm whether the brand has transparently shared how their ingredients are sourced.
  • Who are the communities they impact? 
  • Is the packaging recyclable, reusable and refillable? 
  • Consider the product’s environmental impact for instance, at Coco Veda all our products are waterless and handmade therefore, minimal energy is required.

3. Be consistent with your skincare routine for better results! 

4. We also recommend drinking enough water, eating healthy, exercising and reducing stress levels throughout the day to ensure your skin looks and feels better.


Coco Veda – a Unisex Brand

As a Unisex Brand we are focusing on encouraging other men to start conversations related to haircare, skincare, healthy lifestyles and wellbeing. 

This article is a snapshot of tips and tricks to better manage your skincare routine and lifestyle. Comment below on some of your concerns so that we can better support you in your journey, let’s start this conversation NOW!  

